Published on March 9, 2022
6 Things That Happen When You Sit Too Often
In the past, you may have heard us reference the saying, “Sitting is the new smoking.” While it might be hard to believe that simply spending too much time in a seated position can possibly damage your body as much as tobacco does, it’s entirely true.
Here are six different effects of over-sitting.
1. Your metabolism can slow down. Decreased muscle use can lead to a slower clearance of fat from the body and decrease the effects of insulin.
2. It can lead to chronic pain. Sitting for too long, especially at a desk, can cause excess pressure on certain parts of the body, like the lower back.
3. You’ll have less energy. Sitting too much means moving less. Movement, like going for a brisk 20-minute walk, can up our energy levels quickly.
4. It can increase your risk of heart disease. Leading a sedentary lifestyle is tied with a higher risk of heart problems, among other issues.
5. Our mental health suffers. In fact, studies have indicated that sitting indoors and communicating with others strictly online can reduce social skills and affect psychological well-being.
6. Your posture becomes compromised. More pressure is put on lumbar discs when sitting instead of being distributed equally. This causes the pelvis to rotate backward, which can sometimes lead to our head moving forward.
Your body was made to move. If movement has become difficult for you, we’re here to help. Contact us to learn more about how gentle chiropractic adjustments may help restore function to your daily life.